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We Believe in Environmental Education

Would you like to help further environmental education in Ohio? Consider contributing an amount of your choice to EECO. All donations are tax-deductible and will help increase awareness of environmental issues in Ohio.  You can donate through our annual campaign here.  Or you can send a check made payable to the Environmental Education Council of Ohio to PO Box 1004, Lancaster, OH 43130.  Or you can donate through the website by filling out the information below.  

Ohio has an amazing network of environmental educators that provide EE to students of all ages throughout our great state.  Please help support this network and EECO so that we can continue to provide cutting edge classroom presentations, professional development and special events for years to come.  We believe in a better future.  We want sound science Environmental Education for the world we imagine, we hope you do too!

You can also support EECO in other ways.

  1. Start your shopping at Amazon Smile. Be sure to select the "Environmental Education Council of Ohio" as your designated charity. Log into Amazon Smile every time you shop at Amazon.
  2. You can also shop hundreds of popular retailers at Goodshop, and your purchase will benefit EECO.
  3. Consider making a legacy donation to EECO's endowment fund at The Columbus Foundation.


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Your geographic location helps EECO connect you to EE events in your area. Please click here to access a map to determine your region.
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