Wild School Site Workshop For Educators
Aug 6-7, 2019
Gwynne Conservation Area, London, Ohio
Join us at a two-day workshop for educators on how to create,
maintain, and utilize your outdoor spaces within your curriculum.
There will be three strand topics to choose from on each day.
Day 1 - 9:00am—4:00pm
- Outdoor Classroom Design & Management
- Ecology & Natural Resource Management
- Programs & Activities
Day 2 - 9:00am—4:00pm
- Species Identification
-Meeting Standards through Outdoor Education & Adventure
- Grant Writing 101
Cost is $40 for both days or $20 for one day. Registration fee includes materials, instruction, and lunch.
To register contact Madison SWCD at 740-852-4003 or brian.hackett@oh.nacdnet.net. Register by Aug 2nd, 2019.
Environmental Education Council of Ohio | P.O. Box 1004 | Lancaster, Ohio 43130-1004 | Office: 740-653-2649 | Cell: 740-215-3376 | director@eeco-online.org